Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tha Patagonia Men's Capilene Lightweight Crew is great for backpacking, working out and lots of other things that I won’t bore you with. I am not sure whether or not you noticed but tha new price of this shirt is $12.80. Did you know my Kenny Rogers baseball card or worth that exact same amount? It would be even more interesting if it was true I suppose. I don’t collect any kind of card but I do like tha scene in Garden State when they scoll through tha Persian Gulf cards. If you have no idea what I’m talking about you should rent tha movie. Not for that particular part but it is a good movie regardless. That’s all.

As always, everything on is in limited quantity and only stays live for one day so please clear a room in your house, think gift city if necessary and start shopping away.

Get Tha LowDown!

Love tha Madness.

