Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tha Vasque Men's Ice 9000 Boot is a serious mountaineering boot. Actually, I’m not sure they’re serious but they are mountaineering boots. Before I mess up everything here is Vasque’s description. Enjoy…” Replace leather with Exo-Therm, lugs with Stealth rubber, and steel shanks with lightweight carbon fiber. Tha result: lighter, warmer, more flexible double boots built for tha world's wildest mountains.” Please note that I have climbed some mountains so if you have any questions about these I am ready. Really I just said that so I could throw in tha line about my mountains. They aren’t my mountains and my resume isn’t even that good so please ignore me.

As always, everything on is in limited quantity and only stays live for one day so please clear a room in your house, think gift city if necessary and start shopping away.

Get Tha LowDown!

Love tha Madness.

