Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I was going to say that I can hardly believe tha Cloudveil Men’s Gripped Shirt is 70% off but I always say that so I’m not going to do it. Cloudveil has a nice description of tha shirt on their site but instead of copying and pasting that I prefer to tell you what I had for dinner last night. I had dinner at my girlfriend’s family’s house and we had some sort of chicken salad. I would say it was outstanding and I ate a mound of food so big that had you seen it before I ate it you would have thought that no person could have finished it. Tha best part was some sort of noodle in tha salad. Sorry for saying mound of food. I hope you enjoyed this riveting bit of text today. As always, everything on thalowdown.com is in limited quantity and only stays live for one day so please clear a room in your house, think gift city if necessary and start shopping away.

As always, everything on thalowdown.com is in limited quantity and only stays live for one day so please clear a room in your house, think gift city if necessary and start shopping away.

Get Tha LowDown!

Love tha Madness.

