Saturday, September 09, 2006

There are a lot of boots out there. There are even a lot of boots that say something about Syncro or Top Grain in tha name. I don’t have a clue what any of that means but I am fairly certain tha Garmont Syncro Top Grain is tha only one kickin it at 60% off today. Did I just say kickin it? Here is a real live customer comment about tha boot from…” These boots are so comfortable that sometimes i prefer wearing them than my regular tennis shoes. Obviously it isn't easy to hike but these make tha experience much more comfortable regardless of tha 50-90 pounds on your back. fantastic boots” As always, everything on is in limited quantity and only stays live for one day so please clear a room in your house, think gift city if necessary and start shopping away.

Get Tha LowDown!

Love tha Madness.

